Incredible Modern Pile Foundation Construction Technology – Biggest Heavy Equipment Machines Working
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– Incredible Modern Pile Foundation Construction Technology
– Biggest Crane Heavy Equipment Machines Working
1. Soletanche Bachy: Soletanche Bachy is a world benchmark in foundations and soil technologies.
2. Keller Group
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It’s odd that they’re building a high rise structure next to those beautiful old houses. Must not have any zoning control in that neighborhood.
Они боги инженерии
Wow technology changes so fricken fast lol. I think my favorite piece of tech was my first iphone…ahh such memories. Great job on your video!
Хороший буравчик, как в масло
الله يوفقك يارب العالمين
Quá tuyệt
all is well as long as the rebar cage doesnt sink forever into the ground 🙂 Nice video
This method is full of risks of bh collapse and concrete contamination
Hi, we manufacture piling machinery parts( drill teeth, drill bucket, core barrel, roller cone).
So YOU’RE to blame.
3:21 Tinggi Banget
Some serious stuff!
Ich habe schon mal 32 m Tief Gebohrt,1200 mm Durchmesser,8Stunden,mit dem Bohrgeraet Liebherr Lb 36 !
Mfg Michael, Hamburg, Germany
Halo i indonesia …
Und natürlich die Verrohrung auch in 8Stunden wieder raus , kein leichtes Unterfangen,weil Mergel im Weg war !
Mfg Michael, Hamburg, Germany
How IS that?
Ватани мо кай аз чоҳи қарз мебаромада бошад.
@ТОЧИКОНИ ОЗОДИХОХ. wa alikum salam??
@Rahmat obet Assalam aleykum
En mi ciudad estaban construyendo y poniendo pilotes con esta tecnología pero de pronto llegó alguien y dijeron que esto no era lo correcto .y empezaron a demoler nuevamente y comenzaron a construir todo a mano .cavando profundo diferente y mucha mano de obra .No se porque
Nice to see that banksman Eddie from Aberystwyth doing abit of work for a change I was fed up of carrying him super taff ????????
Thật kinh điển
Wow. . .modern pile foundation construction technology. . .really great amazing.????