handcrafted construction technology – detailed wall construction – 2x
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What is the sand-cement ratio. Any additives to the mix… Such a thick layer is holding on to the wall so well.
1/12 no additives
Gev Cooper good question
Brawo 😉
wish they had guys like this standing in front of home depots
Com certeza caro amigo você é um artista. Parabéns
Parabens pensei que EU fose sozinho. a fazer essas molduras
Gaya sama tubuhnya si mirip indo ??
a règi iskola kèzműves szakemberei:
sajnos lassan kihalnak.
Jó látni ,hogy mèg lètezik…
Muito show. Parabéns
que arte tienes en las manos compañero
حيلة ذكية شكرا 9:05
That is old for me
Fernando Salas f
Felipe Ibarra
Batu batanya Kuat , irit bahan dan konstruksinya bagus…
Apa ada di Indonesia..? blum pernah liat…
That is some special mix of cement, ordinary cement cant go so much thick it will fall down.
that what i said
what is the cement-sand ratio ???
Lindo trabalho… Especular…
Should be added “Smoking is injurious to health ” to this video…
Este cidadão nāo é mais um pedreiro, ele é um artista. Parabéns por ser tāo detalhista.
the earth is flat research!
Wow!! This guy is a master
Theo tôi ở trên xây bao gạch thẻ lại thành bồn hoa chạy dài, sẽ rất đẹp và mát mẻ