Digital Woodwork – A New Wood Construction Technology Using Digital Design : DigInfo
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Keio University
Digital Woodwork
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Keio University
Digital Woodwork
WOW beautiful!
@XTCMatrix You sound like a very confused person.
Looks exactly like the laser ply parts on my wood frame rc planes, so what’s new here?
Just build a template for a house, your done!
It’s kinda like the ikea concept expanded to include the home itself. Cool.
I don’t see how that could happen as I’ve taken a few architecture courses in high school we used a program called chief architect that program made it so easy to design houses but there are still architects and this is just another tool because the guy said in the beginning that you draw out things so it will still need someone who understands architecture to use it.
is this going to go large scale?
@john1966elliott Is true they wont give oxygen, but if not burn they’ll keep the CO2.
eco friendly much.
say goodbye to architecture schools.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but this significantly reduces the role of an architect in the design process…Is this the end for architects?
Basically what this guy is saying is the software takes the generalized (big picture) plans of an architect and fills in all the the little details. In this way, it makes the buildings safer because the software knows all the rules (the thousands of building codes that have to be double and triple checked) and makes it almost impossible for something to be over looked, which does happen a lot. It also simplifies the construction process.