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Asian Construction Technology – Concreting slab on 2nd floor part 2 – How to build concrete floor

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How to create the 2nd floor layout and concrete slab

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    1. Steve Legend

      Im in the philippines, you have to supervise everything and be very polite when you tell them they are wrong and you dont care if they have beening doing it that way for 3 generations, its not how you want it done. Then on top of that they will revert to how they do it as soon as your back is turned, i really struggle keeping my temper but they quit if you get angry with them, even if their mistake is the worst you have ever seen. Unteachable, i knew the average IQ was low here (85-88) but its something else being confronted with it en masse.

  1. ChrisMcRat

    Unthinkable in Germany … The workers can still work so precisely, the concrete of the individual mixtures is always different. Also in terms of safety, this is not quite up to date, the supervision would shut down the site immediately, not to mention the adventurous electrics. But there are still much worse construction sites, I traveled to Spain a few years ago, and there was a construction site where they concreting half a slab until evening with a single small mixer. Early the next day they began to concretize the other half …

  2. One of Billions

    There is a definite limit to, and actual formula, to the amount of POTABLE water you can add to concrete and still expect the properties of a properly mixed batch. In other words, this soup they mixed may give them easier handling and longer open pot time, but will crumble and shatter way before it should. You should NEVER see the water separated from the concrete mix like it is here4:47.

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