AMAZING modern construction technology – Rapid Bridge Replacement in the highway on 7 days Timelapse
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AMAZING modern construction technology – Rapid Bridge Replacement in the highway on 7 days Timelapse
In this video:
LapseSome Time
Upper Cut Productions
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Song: Fredji – Happy Life (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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Song: Fredji – Welcome Sunshine (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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Song: Fredji – Flying High (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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Quando se trabalha em prol de todos, sem interesse particular, É outra coisa!!! Benefício coletivo.
Com a capacidade dos engenheiros aqui do Brasil, essa obra ficaria pronta em apenas 1 ano.kkkkk
Esses vídeos está parecendo aqui no Brasil kkkkkkk
Igual no Brasil quando começa um obras assim leva no mínimo uns 50anos pra terminar..
Б- муха! Это тебе не Автодор!
Bem parecido com o Brasil… sqn!
Kalo di indonesia bisa 3 bulan om
Nicht schlecht, in Deutschland wird so eine Arbeit in mehreren Monaten/Jahren gemacht??
За 3-е суток делают то, что у нас за год.
Это точно
Aqui no Brasil esta obra levaria uns 6 meses para ser concluída.
Seria erra tres anos kkkkk
6 meses
7days?????When there is love for the homeland and the performance of honesty, the project will definitely succeed
Good Working heavy machine
The crews working on the Interstate 10 /US 301 interchange in Baldwin, Florida could take a lesson or three from these folks. That project’s been going on for YEARS now. 😛
Я хочу жить у вас!
No mamen en 7 días acaban aquí en mi lindo. México se avientan años para terminar algo así ???
в россии только деньги воруют быстро
دروغ همش
چطور توی اون بارون آسفالت شو؟؟؟
Amazing work …