ABANDONED £15,000,000 MILLION MANSION (Amazing Architecture)
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We explored this gigantic Victorian Mansion that's grade 2 listed and is 106,000 sq ft. Alarms going off everywhere this could of easily gone wrong,with a guideline price of £15million pound its crazy that doors are left open everywhere! come and take a look inside this beautiful Mansion and enjoy the video adventurers.
Bulstrode park estate in Buckinghamshire which dates back to the 1300's. The grade 2 listed building has stunning architecture with ornate finishing and volted ceilings.
Once owned by 'hanging judge Jeffreys' who had the red brick mansion built c 1676-85.
Mary delanys mosaics were inspired by Bulstrode parks collection of flowers and can still be seen today at the British Museum.
The WAAF used Bulstrode mansion training during WW2 and in 1945 it was used for chemical research.
1958 Bulstrode was sold to the first of two christian movements to own the building and again in 1966 to WEC who sold to a private buyer in 2016.
It is apparently under a £40million redevelopment into a high spec 60 bedroom hotel with spa and royal suites due to open in 2019. #LostAdventures #Abandoned #AbandonedMansion
Awesome man, love the editing and only on 2.3k subs…. way more coming your way soon boys I can smell it. I’m now subbed ?
@Ry thanks 🙂
Yes Rich these guys are brilliant ?
thanks man appreciate that so much 🙂
This place is absolutely brilliant! It has to be one of my favorites so far gang! Gorgeous! The drone shots were absolutely incredible guys. Fn WORM!!!!! Bruv I barfed in my mouth! You bloody kill me!! LMAO. You guys are the best, incredible video guys as usual, yeah you know me Ben I love all that old architecture bruv!
nice one joey! were trying to improve always to make it more entertaining for you guys 🙂 he has gone off the chart right!? lol
The music definitely fits the mansion that house reminds me of rose red and away the movie or the house in a movie
thanks alicia i hope you subscribe 🙂
Explored here today, it really is a breathtaking place! Sadly it’s starting to get trashed though… Amazed that the power is still on!
Now that I have found this channel, I will get rid of many more I was following. For so long I had been yearning for a channel like this, I hope it lasts forever.
wow thats amazing Ana !! we will continue…….:)
Ill start saving some loot bro, been to England before and i was in my glory i loved it! That would be a total blast!
amazing man 🙂
I lived there from 1976 to 1989, so many memories.
Hope to go back when they’ve turned it into a hotel
thats amazing,i hear vandals are getting to the place now,hope they secure it before further damage,thanks for watching 🙂
shame its been institutionalised bet it looked amazing as a family home
I lived there too… it was an awesome place to grow up… gutted to see it looking so wrecked… got married there & have wedding photos on the main staircase… my big bro explored all the tunnels all the way – even having to leave his trousers behind when the tunnel caved in! There are just too many stories and too many memories – you have NO IDEA! There are literally 1000’s of kids that have had connections with this place…
wow yea ive seen the tunnels,so many former residents have seen this video and commented,maybe you could all find each other again thru this video,thanks for watching
A+ drone footage and music choice. The cow flop at the end was shudder inducing!
Thanks so much 🙂 Hahahaha
This was your best video guys the music and drone shots were on point. Great work, very relaxing to watch
tones of childhood memories in this place! hide and seek was another level of fun in this place…lived here a couple of yrs
amazing,shame its been so vandalised lately 🙁
Nice find guys. Love the intro drone shots and beautiful music. Thought Worm was going to miss out on a snack., but all was good ???
thanks jacky 🙂 hahaha thats funny 🙂
Absolutely amazing…I loved every inch of that place. It looks like it was a film location too going by that sign saying “A very English Scandal”. Nice one lads…I’ve private messaged you.
yea it was in jonny english 🙂
I wish i was there with you guys i would of loved checking that place out, friggin beautiful. Then worm would of made me puke ???.
@joseph marsellaJr 🙂
Meet to I wish I was there
hahaha that would be epic bro come visit us 🙂
the horse manure is great for making nice hot tea ?????????
hhahahaaha yuk!!
I lived here from the age of 7 to 16 and it was an amazing place to live! Hide and seek to a long time!!
Lost Adventures yea was awesome, if you want any info on the place message me
thats amazing man! such a beautiful place to live!
hello love it !!!!! ??????????
thank you 🙂
This place is called Bulstrode, I lived there for around 10 years starting in 95. It was a Christian organisation that owned it. Was a lot of fun, had many families there and really was a really nice community. It was sold a few years ago. Was shocked a few months ago when I watched Johnny English (the second one) that they used this house to film some of the scenes.
Hi Graham! Do you remember the Honman fam?
@LD Honman of course I do ☺ how are you? I hope the family are doing well.
quite a few people that lived here have messaged 🙂 10 years thats amazing