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    1. Mark Hunter, MD

      I think it would be easier and more stable to secure the foundation with foam blocks rather than bamboo and tons of other stuff. Roads and buildings use this technique – the foam block base – in areas of mud or partially frozen tundra

  1. Алла Беликова

    Нет-нет, не оставляйте меня в неведении – что же это за бункера такие?!!!! На самом деле восторг от технологий – все не так, как у нас! А железобетонную монолитную плиту какую они сделали – я такой толстой арматуры в стройке и не видела???

    1. Hung

      Lol in merica people don’t work as safe as Asian people. In Asia there is no insurance so people know how to be safe in the work place and work twice as hard. They did all this in one day, in merica they would probably only got the hole dug even with all the equipment ?


    Good to see how other race do construction. Have not seen ppl tack the forms together like that and the rebar. Need to invest on some bull floats and come-a-longs to make the job easier. But over all this is how you do concrete

  3. Peter Meyer

    ok, here is the big question to this video: why did they not make this part 100% concrete? why that layer of bricks? cant be costs – otherwise they would have used more bricks for the walls between the pillars and making it 100% concrete would have been faster anyway. so, what functionality do the bricks provide, that the concrete cant?

    1. Hoang Pham

      Phí quá tài nguyên.
      1. Không liên kết đáy móng với cổ cột
      2.tại sao tiết diện dầm lại dùng kiểu đấy ( móng to hơn sẽ tốt hơn dam t0)
      3.có mối hàn ( giãn cây sắt.)
      4.không cố định cột bằng đai lệch cột

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